School Vision
To establish a school culture that ensures academic excellence through continuous monitoring to promote academic achievement and mastery for all students .
School Mission
At the John H. Finley Campus School, we believe that all children are entitled to a quality education. We are committed to developing a child-centered environment and instructional program, which will result in a community of critical thinkers and lifelong learners. With the collaborative efforts of parents, faculty, students and community, we will empower our students to become responsible, productive and enlightened individuals.
Priority Focus - Explicit Instruction
Explicit instruction, a structured, systematic, and effective
methodology for teaching academic skills. It is called explicit because it is an
unambiguous and direct approach to teaching that includes both instructional
design and delivery procedures. Explicit instruction is characterized by a series of
supports or scaffolds, whereby students are guided through the learning process
with clear statements about the purpose and rationale for learning the new skill,
clear explanations and demonstrations of the instructional target, and supported
practice with feedback until independent mastery has been achieved. (Source: Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching by Anita L. Archer and Charles A. Hughes.
Copyright 2011 by The Guilford Press. All rights reserved.
Community expectations:
Our instructional program will provide an environment whereby literacy will be infused in all subject areas (social studies, science, mathematics, technology and the arts).